Cultural Alliance Representing Somerset
authorities to invest in Somerset & Devon LEP area
so we could help grow the arts and culture sector.
£0.5m bid into national government to help build
and support the arts, culture and creative industries.
Advocacy & Representation
Our team makes sure that the arts & culture sector is represented at local authority and governmental level to ensure financial and strategic investment opportunities come into Somerset and to our local arts and culture providers.
We invest our time and money in looking for opportunities, partnerships and projects that unite and advance the sector. This includes but not extensive to:
- Somerset County Council – We sit on their business support board and meet regularly with other sectors to identify and help deliver on a variety of objectives
- Somerset West & Taunton Innovation Leaders Group – We represent the sector at innovation groups and are pitching for the creative industries at al levels
- Heat of the South West LEP (HOTSW) – We provide regular updates on the sector to regional government and advocate dialogue and projects to HOTSW, DCMS and other bodies
- Creative Industries Council – We help promote and ensure that the national body for the creative industries considers the South West perspective
- Local Organisations – Often we are requested to support small local projects and represent them if required to provide that louder and bigger voice
Regular FAQ's
Why does the sector need representation?
As with any trade or sector its important that there is a balance locally, regionally and nationally. If there wasn't any representation our charities, communities, practitioners, social enterprise and businesses would miss out and too often not be heard. From government finance and investment to policy making and recognition.
What do you mean by advocacy?
Many amazing arts and culture projects in the community provide real benefits to individuals. But too often these projects and the organisations that deliver them don’t have the connections or have access to the wider landscape. By singing their praises and their impact we advocate these to the right organisations.
Why do we need government support?
Policy can affect funding and support for the arts and culture sector so its important we join with local authorities and other government agencies so ensure Somerset is treated equal to other areas and we can advise them how best to support the sector.
Who are the LEP?
LEP stands for Local Enterprise Partnership. There are many throughout England and our local LEP covers the counties of Somerset and Devon. In basic terms we have national government, under that we have LEP's, under that we have county councils and under that we have district councils.